Is it easy to change accountants?

It is very simple to change accountants. We manage the process for you, so it is easy and there is no delay in your accounting or record keeping.

Why is cloud accounting better?

Cloud accounting allows you and your team to access your accounts from anywhere. From an accountant’s perspective we are able to monitor and access your files on a regular basis to advise areas of concern or opportunity.

How do I know if I’m paying too much tax?

Most businesses that do not have the correct structure or tax planning in place are paying too much tax. Over 95% of businesses that we meet with ARE paying too much tax. Talk to us today about analysing your past and future taxes to determine what ongoing tax reductions can be made.

How can I improve my cashflow?

Cash flow is the lifeblood of all small businesses. When you do not have enough it can cause major stress and operational difficulties. Nationwide Accountants & Advisers will help you to put a cash flow plan in place and help you meet your tax and super obligations, including GST, PAYG and fringe benefits tax.

How can I reduce my tax?

Reducing your taxes can be easily and legally achieved via a few methods. The ones we can help you with immediately are by a tax planning review and an analysis of your existing business structure. This should reduce your tax payable to 26%.

Should I negotiate payment plans with the ATO?

Businesses that individually try to negotiate payment plans with the ATO, often do not have the bargaining power that a registered accountant does. Before talking to the ATO, discuss with us your options, and allow us to deal with the ATO. (Plus, you won’t have to wait on hold – we have a direct line to them)

What business structure do I need?

There are many business structures available to meet your business needs, reduce tax and protect your business and personal assets. Meet with us for a free consultation and we can determine if your current structure is correct or needs amending for the best protection and profitability situation.

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